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Tuesday 29 January 2013

Your Road is Not mine.

In life, we seek different things.
And that tends to direct our various pathways.
We set goals
And work earnestly to see them accomplished.

No matter how long it takes
Where it leads us to
Irrespective of what we encounter
We remain focused

As humans, who are diverse in nature
And almost insatiable
We quest for better ways
Long for everything good throughout our lifetime.

Most times encountering difficulties
There are times we almost gave-up
Thinking we cannot go any longer
But we never did.

Some people's road might be straight
Some with bends
A few hilly
Others seem to be mixed up.

What matters is that we all have purpose
We know we are heading somewhere
You might be there now
I am right behind you.

Follow your road and I follow mine
That we are not on the same path
Does not mean I am on the wrong track
Neither does it say that I am lost.

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Saturday 26 January 2013

My Community.

This is our first gathering in 2013.

Our Lady help of Christians activities kicked off at 4pm with Mass by Fr. Charles,
A Salesian Priest.
He talked more about Don Bosco
Whose feast day will be celebrated on the 31st of January,
Marking his 125th celebration.
This was accompanied by The Rosary, Benediction and graceful Our Lady hymns.

Finally, we had tea and will meet again next month.

See you.


Kids are Gift from God.

An Image Slideshow
I had a wonderful Thursday when I visited St Angela Day care. The kids were all lovely and adorable. I really had a nice time there and I think am beginning to envy those that spend their whole day working with kids. In my opinion, it implies that they hardly get angry and have to be in play mood most times. 
They do not shout to these kids or even smack them when they misbehave, rather they correct them in a calm and polite manner. They do this on daily basis, monthly, and for many years? What an essential ingredient for happiness and longevity.
 I had a chat with a Rev. Sr friend of mine, the person who actually invited me. She said Vivien can you believe I have been working with kids for over 35 years? How have you been coping with different kids from different backgrounds and perhaps values as well? I screamed. In response, she said that the kids they have here in England are few and not that difficult to manage, unlike her experience while she was in Malta.
She took me round the whole place and I loved their choice of colours. Everywhere was so colourful and very neat. The pink toilet was charming (maybe you could have lunch there). Their play room and garden were lovely. They had a roaster for daily activities which varies throughout the week.  Some of these activities include: Daily roll call, singing and playing instruments, educative talk by a staff, recreation, sleep, watching educating videos, listening to music from different countries and so on.
In Malta, she worked in an Orphanage. According to her, there were always many kids to carter for and they all need to be shown love and affection. She mentioned  a case of a baby whose parents got drowned in a river and another who was brought to them from  a river as well with no name and no known country of origin. Those children live on the generous donations of people.
 God takes care of them because they are His own. 



An Image Slideshow

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Sunday 20 January 2013

Snow white.

It has been snow, snow, snow all the way.
The view is beautiful and lovely.
It's whitish colour remains spotless,
so immaculate and incomparable.
Mid-day. My neighborhood.

No one knows what heaven looks like
but these days of snow and the peculiar views it leaves on places 
instilled a special picture into my head.
Hope am not in fantasy world...
Night view. My neighborhood.

People wrap-up completely with hands gloves,
 all in bid to avoid catching cold.
Everywhere looks angelic.

I wonder what it would feel like
 if one wears summer wears under this extremely cold weather.
Perphaps that indidvidual might freeze 
and at some point require emergency services.

Car park.
Hahaha! More like it. Everywhere is totally covered by snow.
                                 Nevertheless, it poses much problem. 
                                 Many travellers are stranded in airports
                                 as their flights are being cancelled due to bad weather. 
                                 Some are left with no choice than to spend nights in the airports.

                                 For Pedestrians, virgin snow has no problem 
                                 but old one can be sticky and slippery, thereby causing falls.
                                 A serious fall can lead to injury.

                                 Vehicle drivers have their story too.
                                 They can get stuck, roads become slippery.
                                 There are many danger signs.

                                 Meanwhile, kids love snow 
                                 and really do have fun despite the freeze.
                                 They make snowman and throw snow stones.
                                 They play hide and seek under the snow
                                 and take lots of pictures.

                                 Some adults do a bit of that too.

Kids playing and others taking pictures in Finsbury Park.


Saturday 19 January 2013

'Huge Nigeria'

I ran into a Brasilian, we got talking and exchanging one or two ideas about ourselves and where we are from.

She said she is from Brasil and mentioned her hometown, which I cannnot even remember anymore.

At some point in our discussion I said I am from Nigeria in Africa.
Do you know there? I asked.
"Nigeria is such a huge country who doesn't know there", she replied.
I was like really ? But we didn't talk further about our countries again.

Well, I hope that 'huge' actually means good or simply denotes positive trends. Maybe I should have said, emm... Sorry, huge in what sense do you mean?

Nevertheless, am glad I never asked.

alpha beach in Lagos, Nigeria - lagos, Lagos
My lovely People.
Alpha beach in Lagos.

Man must survive. Pure organics.

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Monday 14 January 2013

The need for a better life.

Just read the story of a 17year old Alice Pyne who died today after battling with a terminal cancer for five years.Her story was such a captivating one as she drew a list of various activities she needed to do before falling prey to death. Amongst these chains of activities were;
  • o get everyone eligible to join a bone marrow register
  • To get EVERYONE to have a bucket list
  • To get to the Royal Garden party in May
  • DONE - To buy a static caravan for my charity
  • DONE - To actually receive my B.E.M. medal
  • DONE - To go whale watching
  • DONE - To go to my school leavers prom
  • DONE - To meet Take That
  • DONE - To design a Emma Bridgewater Mug to sell for charity

To mention but a few, and she marked each one done when accomplished.Photos of me

One of that her updates that lured me into reading lots of her write-ups was a particular day she had difficulty in blogging and was pleading to everyone to help to her tweet "onelifeliveit" and link it to her blog.You won't believe she mentioned spelling life and live correctly as it wouldn't make sense when spelt wrong.According to her,the tweet was to help raise funds and create awareness for her charity. Meannwhile, She and her mother have been driving her round the town in search of unlocked wifi signal.

What a strong character.

I like seeing inspiring people especially when it happens to be young person.I wonder the kind of confidence these kids possess because I recollect another story of a little boy who was struggling with his life too and wished he could see as many sports cars  as possible, which through the help of his father's online page was a huge success as more than 2,000 cars made it, and the little boy was overjoyed. He passed away few days afterwards. The interesting part is that they usually channel such acts to charity, thereby helping other numerous victims.

Life needs to be enjoyed to its fullest as nobody is certain of the exact day the curtain will be drawn.
Based on the fact that death is inevitable and can strike at any time, irrespective of the age, it leaves me no choice than to wonder why we find it difficult to help each other in the little ways we can to make life less stressful, at least.

In my opinion, these aforementioned kids are in Countries where they have great support systems.They have family, relatives, friends, health personnel, and of utmost important the government to carter for them and this goes a long way to help them live a  happy and fulfilled life before their premature deaths. In such cases, Victims are faced mainly with circumstances surrounding their ailment and / or management procedures and no added problem of poverty, ignorance and so on, which is the trend in most countries.

Unfortunately, they lived for a short period yet they tend to leave a legacy which many people cannot achieve even at old age.Their good deeds touched lives in peculiar ways and they are and will always be  remembered and celebrated.

My heartfelt sympathy goes to all sufferers of terminal illnesses (cancer) especially, kids who live in the remote parts of the world or under-developed countries. I think of them because their story takes a different turn, their illness might not be diagnosed, niether treated nor managed. They perceive life as filled with pain, sadness and torture while awaiting the day the gnawing teeth of death will bite them.

There are certain contributions that we can make in our various societies to enable others live a happy and satisfactory lives. It will be very useful, no matter how little. If only The government and leaders of most countries are fully aware of the ill-effects of their governance on their citizens, they will be forced to have a rethink and do what is expected of them.

Will they? I guess they will not, owing to the fact that their decisions project acts of extreme selfishness, embezzlement and corruption. Maybe they still can change someday.
What a world! The rich enjoys life and the poor suffers till death.

God help Us all. One love.
#Thinking out loud#

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Saturday 12 January 2013

Stop Crying please...

                         A picture of a Nurse taking care of a crying Patient.
                               Culled from NURSING HUMOR.

Initially, I had to figure out what was actually going on here.

What is the Lady holding?
Why is she in that position?
Why the brush?

Oh! The poor patient is crying
Maybe she isn't feeling so well and couldn't bear it
Or she received a bad news. 

And this is the nurse's way of consoling her or showing concern?
With a brush?

The brush even moves in same rhythm as the patient sobs.
Very funny.
Some things are better imagined than done.

#Nurses are Caring#


Thursday 10 January 2013

Smile it off

Smiling is an attribute of a happy and a healthy living.
It draws strength from inner drives and sustains an individual.

It is a priceless virtue to those who are blessed with it. It emanates persistently freely and effortlessly. However,it can be acquired over time.

When one smiles, happiness and unending joy tends to radiate from the individuals heart. This generates a lovely peculiar aura around oneself.

As a good quality, it is very charming and would be nice if you don't simply keep it to yourself but also make others feel good too.

In difficult moments, it tends to be bring balance to the ongoing psychological instabilities one experiences, thereby presenting the individual in a less disturbed state.

Endeavor to smile most times as each day passes by, you will be happy to know you did so.


Wednesday 9 January 2013

It feels so right

I am glad I did this today.
Have been thinking of how to start,
But simply needed to get started.

It really feels so right.
Am already getting there,
Can see am really close.

*My very first blog*
