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Thursday 2 January 2014

My Train Sisters.

I was on a train to London from Leigh on Sea. Actually, the train was meant to be showing the callings as we go but it kept showing the wrong thing; Westcliff instead of East Tilbury or Ockendon because we were heading towards Fenchurch street and not Shoeburyness.

The map

I noticed we just passed Stanford-le-Hope but it kept showing same thing. To ease any form of doubt already building up, I went to view the map closely and then simply stood there. Was I the only one worried? Hell no!
Can you believe that? And no one apologized for the misleading info
I focused on the various stops I could see from the window as we passed and ignored the display board. One of the three teenage girls sitting on the other side asked me if our train was heading towards the right direction. 'Yes, but it shows the wrong location' was my response. The rest were like: they have been trying to figure out what was going on among themselves. The girls were much more disturbed because they said they were not familiar with the stops seen from the train.  I showed them it is from the route we were taking because they are two different routes to same the destination but ours has more stops whereas they are used to the one with fewer stops. They were glad we all got clarified at last.

I then went back and sat down. In case you were wondering what it was with me. Well, that was around 9.30pm and  I was so many miles away from home, after a very long day. I was exhausted and couldn't afford to be in a wrong train, not even for a minute ride. I didn't need any form of inconvenience because it was about 2 hours journey.

Anyway, one thing I enjoy about these national rails is that most times you have lots of empty seats and can be the only one in a coach unlike the London underground where people are usually packed like sardines.

Some minutes later, a couple came in and went over to sit where one of the girls sat earlier(before joining her friends sitting at other side). The lady simply asked if the bag on the seat were theirs, handed it over to them and sat down. That place was actually more comfortable being that it has a table and people could sit facing another. While the girls were chatting and laughing the lady interrupted them. She felt offended and was convinced they were discussing about her and her partner.

Her partner took over and started exchanging words with the girls. He was swearing a lot and they all ended up saying fucking... to each other.  I was disturbed and didn't know who exactly to calm down. Their voices eventually came down but it was only for a minute before the lady said she heard something else. Oh dear! The guy was very angry now and stood up. I was signalling both parties to please stop before the lady dragged the guy to the other end of the coach. Thanks goodness!

My teenage friends started laughing boisterously and the other one went back to her former seat and placed her legs on the table. In their opinion, the couple have no right to talk to them. In fact, they did enjoyed the argument. In between watching them, I was drafting what you are reading now. They complained about the journey been much longer and unusual and I assured them again it was due to the route. I guess they just couldnt wait to get off the train. They later got off before me and we exchanged goodbyes like we all knew each other. It was more like saying bye to an elder sister.

Minutes later, I was in Westham. I changed into the London underground and stood for some minutes before I was able to get a seat.

P.S. Happy New Year! I am wishing you all a blissful 2014. Sending good tidings of happiness, love and peace to you. May all your dreams come through.



At 2 January 2014 at 14:52 , Anonymous Christiana Writes said...

At least you were going in the right direction. I once ran down the steps, hopped on a train and didn't notice it was going in the opposite direction from where I needed to go until I was two stops into the ride. Of course, it went express to the end of the line from there and I was more than an hour late getting home to dinner.

At 3 January 2014 at 03:23 , Blogger Unknown said...

Yes, I was. Oh Dear! That was a long one. At least, it wasn't for an official meeting. Thanks for reading.


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